
Showing posts from June, 2018

Faith vs Pharmacy

Hello again! If you took the time to read my first blog, GOD BLESS YOU . I know it was a bit of an aimless rant. I wanted to only introduce you to me and the surface of my condition.  Today, the first thing I want to write about is my day. Not just today, but what my routine looks like versus the average working person.  TO be fair, I should really start with bedtime. Trevor (my spouse), normally won't get home until about 2 am. He works for Amazon in Fort Worth. We live about 45 minutes from his warehouse, on a good day. So, I typically end up staying awake until he comes home. I shouldn't but I do anyway. Before that happens though, I have to remember to take my pills.  Now, I am friends with some pretty crunchy people. They are hard core, alternative medicine, and all natural healing. With prayer being at the center. I admire them for that courage, and do not mean to sound like I am devaluing their path at all. They eat organic, wear amber necklaces, ...

The Invisible Monster

Pain.        What is it really? Pain can be subjective, as everyone has a different pain level. Pain can be emotional, physical, and even spiritual. You can feel someone else's pain. You can cause someone pain. You can even imagine pain.  When I googled pain today, this is what it said: Pain:  noun 1. physical suffering or discomfort caused by illness or injury. synonyms: suffering ,  agony ,  torture ,  torment ,  discomfort ache ,  aching ,  soreness ,  throb , throbbing,  sting , stinging,  twinge , shooting pain,  stab , pang , cramps; discomfort ,  irritation ,  tenderness. ( I am fairly confident we have all experienced pain on some level in our lives.  I am also willing to bet you have tried to compare your pain to another human's pain to determine who should gain the higher pain award. (subconsciously...